This game drives me crazy. It asks for an impossible score. Can you help me out? You need to catch the Android inside.
Given APK file, open it using jadx-gui and save the decompiled code.
MainActivity create new GameView object. So take a look on GameView.
...publicGameView(Context context) { super(context);this.handler=newHandler();this.paint=newPaint(1);this.FRAME_RATE=30;this.MAX_SCORE=10;this.DESIRED_SCORE=1400;this.ballRadius=50.0f;this.ballX=50.0f+100.0f;this.ballY=50.0f+100.0f;this.ballVelocityX=20.0f;this.ballVelocityY=15.0f;this.score=0;this.barWidth=300.0f;this.barHeight=40.0f;this.barMoveSpeed=40.0f;this.isBallFalling=true;this.runnable=newRunnable() { // from class: com.catchthefallingobjects.GameView.1 @Override// java.lang.Runnablepublicvoidrun() {GameView.this.invalidate(); } };this.graphicsBitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),;setFocusable(true);setFocusableInTouchMode(true); }protectedvoidonDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas);canvas.drawColor(ViewCompat.MEASURED_STATE_MASK);if (this.score>=1400) { canvas.drawBitmap(this.graphicsBitmap, (getWidth() - this.graphicsBitmap.getWidth()) / 2.0f, (getHeight() - this.graphicsBitmap.getHeight()) / 2.0f, (Paint) null);
return; }this.barX=Math.max(0.0f,Math.min(this.barX,getWidth()-this.barWidth));this.barY= (getHeight()-this.barHeight) -50.0f;this.paint.setColor(-65281);canvas.drawCircle(this.ballX,this.ballY,this.ballRadius,this.paint);this.paint.setColor(SupportMenu.CATEGORY_MASK);float f =this.barX;float f2 =this.barY;canvas.drawRect(f, f2, f +this.barWidth, f2 +this.barHeight,this.paint);updateBallPosition();this.paint.setColor(-1);this.paint.setTextSize(40.0f);canvas.drawText("Score: "+this.score,50.0f,150.0f,this.paint);canvas.drawText("Max score is 10, but the desired score is 1400",50.0f,200.0f,this.paint);if (this.score<10) {this.handler.postDelayed(this.runnable,33L);return; }this.paint.setTextSize(100.0f);canvas.drawText("Game Over",100.0f,500.0f,this.paint); }...
From code above we can summarize:
Desired score is 1400
if score >= 1400 there will a drawbitmap process
If current score < 10 it will continue
if current score >= 10 it will game over
Value added to current score is one (this.score++)
By playing the game we cannot win (trigger drawbitmap process), so my approach is patching the game by modifying the smali code. The idea is changing constant on score validation to lower value such as from 1400 to 1.
Run the APK and it will show android image after the score changed to 1.
Basically the program only run the game and check the score. Win condition is showing image above, based on the description there is something with the image (catch android inside). So lets try to do some guess on the image. Image loaded through getResources function and constant, so the location is in wicked-game/res/drawable/graphics.jpg. Upload graphics.jpg to well known online steganography solver and there will be a flag.