WARMUP (244 pts)
Given PE file, open it using IDA.
We can see on main function most of the function called looks like "stripped". If we take a look on one of those called functions (sub_140004d60) we can see that it looks like statically compiled then stripped.
To recover the function name i did debugging then analyze the input and output. After knowing what the function do i rename the function name to make it easier to understand.
Copy int __cdecl main ( int argc , const char ** argv , const char ** envp)
__int64 v3; // rax
void * v4; // rax
__int64 v6; // rax
__int64 v7; // rdx
__int64 v8; // rdx
void * v9; // rax
__int64 value_array; // rax
_QWORD * v11; // rax
_BYTE * v12; // rax
void * v13; // rax
__int64 v14; // rax
_QWORD * v15; // rax
_QWORD * v16; // rax
_BYTE * v17; // rax
void * v18; // rax
__int64 v19; // rax
__int64 v20; // rax
void * v21; // rax
__int64 v22; // rax
_QWORD * v23; // rax
_QWORD * v24; // rax
_BYTE * v25; // rax
void * v26; // rax
__int64 v27; // rax
_QWORD * v28; // rax
_QWORD * v29; // rax
_BYTE * v30; // rax
void * v31; // rax
char v32; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-2E8h]
char v33; // [rsp+25h] [rbp-2E3h]
int j; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-2E0h]
int k; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-2DCh]
int m; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-2D8h]
int i; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-2D4h]
bool v38; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-2D0h]
__int64 v39; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-2C8h]
char v40; // [rsp+54h] [rbp-2B4h]
char v41; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-2A8h]
char v42; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-2A0h]
__int64 v43; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-290h]
char * Str1; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-280h]
char * v45; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-270h]
__int64 v46; // [rsp+A0h] [rbp-268h]
__int64 v47; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp-258h]
__int64 v48; // [rsp+E0h] [rbp-228h]
__int64 v49; // [rsp+F8h] [rbp-210h]
__int64 key; // [rsp+108h] [rbp-200h]
__int64 ciphertext; // [rsp+110h] [rbp-1F8h]
char * plaintext_; // [rsp+120h] [rbp-1E8h]
char v53[ 32 ]; // [rsp+158h] [rbp-1B0h] BYREF
char v54[ 32 ]; // [rsp+178h] [rbp-190h] BYREF
char v55[ 32 ]; // [rsp+198h] [rbp-170h] BYREF
char v56[ 32 ]; // [rsp+1B8h] [rbp-150h] BYREF
char plaintext[ 32 ]; // [rsp+1D8h] [rbp-130h] BYREF
char v58[ 32 ]; // [rsp+1F8h] [rbp-110h] BYREF
char v59[ 32 ]; // [rsp+218h] [rbp-F0h] BYREF
char v60[ 24 ]; // [rsp+238h] [rbp-D0h] BYREF
char v61[ 32 ]; // [rsp+250h] [rbp-B8h] BYREF
char v62[ 32 ]; // [rsp+270h] [rbp-98h] BYREF
char v63[ 32 ]; // [rsp+290h] [rbp-78h] BYREF
char v64[ 32 ]; // [rsp+2B0h] [rbp-58h] BYREF
char v65[ 32 ]; // [rsp+2D0h] [rbp-38h] BYREF
sub_7FF661CD4150(v61) ;
printf_( & Format , "Enter flag: " ) ;
sub_7FF661CD50F0( & qword_7FF661CE79B0 , v61) ;
Str1 = ( char * ) substring_(v61 , v54 , 0i64 , 6i64) ;
v32 = 1 ;
v38 = 1 ;
if ( ! ( unsigned __int8) strcmp_(Str1 , "ASCIS{" ) )
v3 = unknown_libname_55(v61) ;
v45 = ( char * ) substring_(v61 , v53 , v3 - 1 , 1i64) ;
v32 = 3 ;
if ( ! ( unsigned __int8) strcmp_(v45 , "}" ) )
v38 = 0 ;
if ( (v32 & 2 ) != 0 )
v32 &= ~ 2 u ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v53) ;
if ( (v32 & 1 ) != 0 )
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v54) ;
if ( v38 )
v4 = ( void * ) printf_( & Format , "Incorrect!" ) ;
_CallMemberFunction0(v4 , sub_7FF661CD5180) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v61) ;
return 0 ;
sub_7FF661CD3B30(v60 , 24i64) ;
sub_7FF661CD3C00(v60) ;
v43 = 0i64;
v6 = unknown_libname_55(v61) ;
v46 = substring_(v61 , v55 , 6i64 , v6 - 7 ) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F60(v61 , v46) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v55) ;
while ( 1 )
LOBYTE(v7) = '-' ;
v39 = sub_7FF661CD3D70(v61 , v7 , v43) ;
if ( v39 == - 1 )
break ;
LOBYTE(v8) = '-' ;
v43 = sub_7FF661CD3DB0(v61 , v8 , v39) ;
v47 = substring_(v61 , v56 , v39 , v43 - v39) ;
sub_7FF661CD3BB0((__int64)v60 , v47) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v56) ;
if ( sub_7FF661CD3B80(v60) == 6 ) // split by - and check length
sub_7FF661CD4040(v62 , & unk_7FF661CE2B15) ;
for ( i = 0 ; ; ++ i )
value_array = get_value_at_index(v60 , 5i64) ;
if ( i >= ( unsigned __int64) unknown_libname_55(value_array) )
break ;
v11 = (_QWORD * ) get_value_at_index(v60 , 5i64) ;
v12 = (_BYTE * ) get_byte(v11 , i) ;
std::string::operator += (v62 , * v12 ^ 0x 69 u ) ;
if ( ! ( unsigned __int8) strcmp_(v62 , byte_7FF661CE2B44) )
sub_7FF661CD4040(v63 , & unk_7FF661CE2B16) ;
for ( j = 0 ; ; ++ j )
v14 = get_value_at_index(v60 , 4i64) ;
if ( j >= ( unsigned __int64) unknown_libname_55(v14) )
break ;
v15 = (_QWORD * ) get_value_at_index(v60 , 4i64) ;
v40 = * (_BYTE * ) get_byte(v15 , j) ;
v16 = (_QWORD * ) get_value_at_index(v60 , 5i64) ;
v17 = (_BYTE * ) get_byte(v16 , j) ;
std::string::operator += (v63 , ( unsigned __int8)( * v17 ^ v40)) ;
if ( ! ( unsigned __int8) strcmp_(v63 , & byte_7FF661CE2B5C) )
v48 = get_value_at_index(v60 , 5i64) ;
v19 = get_value_at_index(v60 , 4i64) ;
key = string_concat_((__int64)v59 , v19 , v48) ;
v49 = get_value_at_index(v60 , 3i64) ;
v20 = get_value_at_index(v60 , 2i64) ;
ciphertext = string_concat_((__int64)v58 , v20 , v49) ;
plaintext_ = ( char * ) RC4((__int64)plaintext , ciphertext , key) ;
v33 = strcmp_(plaintext_ , byte_7FF661CE2B78) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(plaintext) ;
if ( v33 )
v21 = ( void * ) printf_( & Format , "Incorrect!" ) ;
_CallMemberFunction0(v21 , sub_7FF661CD5180) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v63) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v62) ;
sub_7FF661CD3BE0(v60) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v61) ;
return 0 ;
sub_7FF661CD4040(v64 , & unk_7FF661CE2B17) ;
for ( k = 0 ; ; ++ k )
v22 = get_value_at_index(v60 , 1i64) ;
if ( k >= ( unsigned __int64) unknown_libname_55(v22) )
break ;
v23 = (_QWORD * ) get_value_at_index(v60 , 1i64) ;
v41 = * (_BYTE * ) get_byte(v23 , k) ;
v24 = (_QWORD * ) get_value_at_index(v60 , 2i64) ;
v25 = (_BYTE * ) get_byte(v24 , k) ;
std::string::operator += (v64 , ( unsigned __int8)( * v25 + v41)) ;
if ( ! ( unsigned __int8) strcmp_(v64 , & byte_7FF661CE2B94) )
sub_7FF661CD4040(v65 , & unk_7FF661CE2B1F) ;
for ( m = 0 ; ; ++ m )
v27 = get_value_at_index(v60 , 0i64) ;
if ( m >= ( unsigned __int64) unknown_libname_55(v27) )
break ;
v28 = (_QWORD * ) get_value_at_index(v60 , 0i64) ;
v42 = * (_BYTE * ) get_byte(v28 , m) ;
v29 = (_QWORD * ) get_value_at_index(v60 , 3i64) ;
v30 = (_BYTE * ) get_byte(v29 , m) ;
std::string::operator += (v65 , ( unsigned __int8)(v42 - * v30)) ;
if ( ! ( unsigned __int8) strcmp_(v65 , & byte_7FF661CE2BAC) )
v31 = ( void * ) printf_( & Format , "Correct!" ) ;
v31 = ( void * ) printf_( & Format , "Incorrect!" ) ;
_CallMemberFunction0(v31 , sub_7FF661CD5180) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v65) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v64) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v63) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v62) ;
sub_7FF661CD3BE0(v60) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v61) ;
return 0 ;
v26 = ( void * ) printf_( & Format , "Incorrect!" ) ;
_CallMemberFunction0(v26 , sub_7FF661CD5180) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v64) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v63) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v62) ;
sub_7FF661CD3BE0(v60) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v61) ;
return 0 ;
v18 = ( void * ) printf_( & Format , "Incorrect!" ) ;
_CallMemberFunction0(v18 , sub_7FF661CD5180) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v63) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v62) ;
sub_7FF661CD3BE0(v60) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v61) ;
return 0 ;
v13 = ( void * ) printf_( & Format , "Incorrect!" ) ;
_CallMemberFunction0(v13 , sub_7FF661CD5180) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v62) ;
sub_7FF661CD3BE0(v60) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v61) ;
return 0 ;
v9 = ( void * ) printf_( & Format , "Incorrect!" ) ;
_CallMemberFunction0(v9 , sub_7FF661CD5180) ;
sub_7FF661CD3BE0(v60) ;
sub_7FF661CD3F30(v61) ;
return 0 ;
Program validate if input has preifx ASCIS and suffix }
Split value wrapped by ASCIS by -
There must be 6 value after splitted
Each index on splitted value will be processed with several operation like xor, add, rc4, and substraction
Because all operation are reversible, we just need to reverse the operation and leak value index by index to get the flag.
Get flag4 because we know flag5
Get flag2 and flag3 because we know flag4 and flag5
Get flag1 because we know flag2
Get flag0 because we know flag3
Here is my solver
Copy from arc4 import ARC4
flag = [ "" for i in range ( 6 ) ]
byte_7FF661CE2B44 = [ 0x 5A , 0x 5B , 0x 0B , 0x 0A , 0x 5E , 0x 5F ]
for i in byte_7FF661CE2B44 :
flag [ 5 ] += chr (i ^ 0x 69 )
byte_7FF661CE2B5C = [ 0x 5 , 0x 1 , 0x 6 , 0x 5B , 0x 5 , 0x 2 ]
for i in range ( len (byte_7FF661CE2B5C)):
flag [ 4 ] += chr ( ord (flag[ 5 ][i]) ^ byte_7FF661CE2B5C[i])
byte_7FF661CE2B78 = [ 0x 60 , 0x E0 , 0x E4 , 0x 2D , 0x FF , 0x 97 , 0x DD , 0x 13 , 0x EE , 0x A0 , 0x 55 , 0x F4 ]
ct = bytes (byte_7FF661CE2B78)
key = flag [ 4 ] + flag [ 5 ]
rc4 = ARC4 (key. encode ())
tmp = rc4 . decrypt (ct). decode ()
flag [ 2 ] = tmp [: 6 ]
flag [ 3 ] = tmp [ 6 : 12 ]
byte_7FF661CE2B94 = [ 0x 95 , 0x C8 , 0x 95 , 0x 9D , 0x 69 , 0x 68 ]
for i in range ( len (byte_7FF661CE2B94)):
flag [ 1 ] += chr (byte_7FF661CE2B94[i] - ord (flag[ 2 ][i]))
byte_7FF661CE2BAC = [ 0x 01 , 0x FA , 0x 06 , 0x D2 , 0x FF , 0x CE ]
for i in range ( len (byte_7FF661CE2BAC)):
flag [ 0 ] += chr (( ord (flag[ 3 ][i]) + byte_7FF661CE2BAC[i]) &0x ff )
print ( "ASCIS{" + "-" . join (flag) + "}" )
Flag: ASCIS{829872-bccd38-3e2960-783f8d-63d824-32bc76}
OXYGEN (481 pts)
Given PE file, open it using IDA. IDA can't detect main function but there is start function.
Analyzing start function i can't find "main" function, so i tried to look at available strings.
Go to address for each reference, we will find out that the main function is sub_7FF61CE8D7A0.
There is something weird on decompiled code (sub_7FF61CE8B8E0).
Through trial and error i found the solution, we can just put change the second call to nop then decompile again.
Copy int __fastcall __noreturn main_0 ( int argc , const char ** argv , const char ** envp)
char * v3; // rdi
__int64 i; // rcx
int v6; // eax
char v7; // [rsp+30h] [rbp+0h] BYREF
struct WSAData WSAData; // [rsp+40h] [rbp+10h] BYREF
int v9; // [rsp+1F4h] [rbp+1C4h]
SOCKET v10; // [rsp+218h] [rbp+1E8h]
SOCKET s; // [rsp+238h] [rbp+208h]
PADDRINFOA ppResult; // [rsp+258h] [rbp+228h] BYREF
ADDRINFOA pHints; // [rsp+278h] [rbp+248h] BYREF
int v14; // [rsp+2C4h] [rbp+294h]
char buf[ 532 ]; // [rsp+2F0h] [rbp+2C0h] BYREF
int len; // [rsp+504h] [rbp+4D4h]
DWORD flOldProtect[ 9 ]; // [rsp+524h] [rbp+4F4h] BYREF
__int64 (__fastcall * v18) ( char * , _QWORD , char * ); // [rsp+548h] [rbp+518h]
int v19; // [rsp+564h] [rbp+534h]
v3 = & v7;
for ( i = 342i64; i; -- i )
* (_DWORD * )v3 = - 858993460 ;
v3 += 4 ;
j___CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode((__int64) & unk_1400340FE , (__int64)argv , (__int64)envp) ;
sub_1400113C0( * argv) ;
v10 = - 1i64;
s = - 1i64;
ppResult = 0i64;
len = 512 ;
v9 = WSAStartup( 0x 202 u , & WSAData) ;
if ( v9 )
return 1 ;
j_memset( & pHints , 0 , sizeof (pHints)) ;
pHints . ai_family = 2 ;
pHints . ai_socktype = 1 ;
pHints . ai_protocol = 6 ;
pHints . ai_flags = 1 ;
v9 = getaddrinfo(0i64 , "1337" , & pHints , & ppResult) ;
if ( v9 )
WSACleanup() ;
return 1 ;
v10 = socket( ppResult -> ai_family , ppResult -> ai_socktype , ppResult -> ai_protocol) ;
if ( v10 == - 1i64 )
freeaddrinfo(ppResult) ;
WSACleanup() ;
return 1 ;
v9 = bind(v10 , ppResult -> ai_addr , ppResult -> ai_addrlen) ;
if ( v9 == - 1 )
freeaddrinfo(ppResult) ;
closesocket(v10) ;
WSACleanup() ;
return 1 ;
puts( "gimme oxygen!" ) ;
freeaddrinfo(ppResult) ;
v9 = listen(v10 , 0x 7FFFFFFF ) ;
if ( v9 == - 1 || (s = accept(v10 , 0i64 , 0i64) , s == - 1i64) )
closesocket(v10) ;
WSACleanup() ;
return 1 ;
closesocket(v10) ;
VirtualProtect( & unk_14002D000 , 0x7Bui64 , 0x 40 u , flOldProtect) ;
v18 = ( __int64 (__fastcall * ) ( char * , _QWORD , char * )) & unk_14002D000;
v9 = recv(s , buf , len , 0 ) ;
if ( v9 <= 0 )
goto LABEL_24;
v19 = v18(buf , ( unsigned int )len , aNCQrm) ;
if ( v19 == 1 )
puts( "congratz" ) ;
sub_1400114C9(( unsigned int ) & unk_14002D090 , 39 , ( unsigned int )buf , 11 , (__int64)::buf) ;
v6 = j_strlen(::buf) ;
v14 = send(s , ::buf , v6 , 0 ) ;
if ( v14 == - 1 )
goto LABEL_24;
puts( "oops" ) ;
while ( v9 > 0 );
v9 = shutdown(s , 1 ) ;
if ( v9 == - 1 )
closesocket(s) ;
WSACleanup() ;
return 1 ;
closesocket(s) ;
WSACleanup() ;
return 0 ;
Program will listening at port 1337
If there is connection, it will print "gimmy oxygen!"
Program will receive our input and call function unk_14002D000
if function unk_14002D000 return 1, it will call sub_1400114C9 (RC4)
From above analysis we can conclude that we need to find input that return 1 for function unk_14002D000. At first i tried to disassemble unk_14002D000 and it looks like not a valid assembly.
So lets take a look on cross reference.
Looks like it just basic xor, use idapython to automatically patch the values.
Copy start = 0x 14002D000
for i in range ( 0x 7b ):
val = get_bytes (start + i, 1 )
new_val = val [ 0 ] ^ 0x 69
patch_byte (start + i, new_val)
Now it looks like valid assembly, lets decompile the code and rename known variables.
v9 = input - target
target[v9] == target + input - target
if counter is odd, substract
Now, lets write the script to bruteforce valid input.
Copy import string
target = b "n[}>}C]qRm["
poss = []
for i in range ( len (target)):
poss_tmp = []
for j in string . printable [: - 6 ]:
tmp = ord (j) | 0x a
tmp2 = ord (j) & 0x a
tmp3 = (tmp - tmp2) &0x ff
tmp4 = (tmp + tmp2) &0x ff
if (i % 2 == 0 ) :
if (tmp3 == target [ i ] ) :
poss_tmp . append (j)
else :
if (tmp4 == target [ i ] ) :
poss_tmp . append (j)
poss . append (poss_tmp)
key = ""
for i in poss :
key += i [ 0 ]
print (key)
Finally put the generated key to the service.
Flag: ASCIS{W3_g0nn4_m33t_4t_th3_f1naL_r0uND}