Reverse Engineering
Amber (600 pts)
Given PE file, open it using IDA.
Main function not detected, but it still easy to find since start function is common start function.
So sub_401530 is main function, set breakpoint on that function. Set breakpoint at 0x0040165F and step instruction to enter the function.
call near ptr unk_1E7210
edx+4 == 0x1e000d
So function unk_1E7210 do self modification by doing some operation such as substract, xor, rol, and add.
From image above we can see that the code is different after mov edi,edi. Lets disassemble again code after mov edi,edi by pressing c on address 0x1e000d.
Continue the process by stepping instruction we will get into looping at 0x1e0028.
Loop instruction will do looping until ecx is 0. So we can said that it will overwrite value until 0x1e0029 (edx + 0x17). If we set breakpoint on those address the debugger will error, so the idea is set hardware breakpoint on 0x1e002a and continue the process.
Now the values start from 0x1e002a are different again.
Scrolling down i saw valid PE file, dump it using IDC.
auto fname = "C:\\Users\\Intel NUC\\ctf\\ascwg\\amber\\dump_pe.exe";
auto address = 0x01E0031;
auto size = 0x71df;
auto file= fopen(fname, "wb");
savefile(file, 0, address, size);
dump_pe.exe actually a valid PE and consist of some functions but since it written dynamically there are some imported function not detected. So i choose to continue current debugginer. Disassemble code again and do step instruction again.
Continue the process until call near ptr unk_1e7031.
sub_1E717C: resolve function based on hash value
After manually check what function called, here is the summary
debug078:001E7059 call sub_1E717C ; virtual alloc, 2C39DFECh
debug078:001E70D9 call sub_1E7143 ; LoadLibrary, 0E2E6A091h
debug078:001E70E3 call sub_1E70F1 ; GetProcAddress, 0A18B0B38h
Next, set breakpoint on last instruction on sub_1F7033 (0x01F7177).
Step into sub_1f71fd again and set breakpoint on 0x01F720E.
Step into on call edi and do step over so we will not get into call unk_7FE71CB2.
Now we are on start function of new executable sub_7FE71737.
Again, we can find which one main function by manually validating it.
Set breakpoint on new main function then continue the program.
Rename all function. Original function name can be found by double click the address.
int sub_7FE7134E()
char v0; // bl
int v1; // ebx
char v2; // al
int CurrentProcess; // eax
int LibraryW; // eax
int (__stdcall *v5)(int, char *); // edi
int (__stdcall *ProcAddress)(int, _DWORD, int *, int, int *); // esi
int v7; // eax
char v8; // al
void (__stdcall *v9)(wchar_t *, _DWORD); // esi
int v10; // eax
void (__stdcall *v11)(int); // esi
int CurrentThread; // eax
char v13; // al
unsigned int v14; // kr00_4
unsigned __int64 v15; // rax
unsigned __int64 v16; // rax
void (__thiscall *func_kernel32_QueryPerformanceCounter)(int, __int64 *); // esi
int v18; // ecx
bool v19; // sf
bool v20; // cc
int (__thiscall *func_kernel32_GetTickCount)(int); // esi
char v22; // al
int TickCount; // edi
int v24; // ecx
_BYTE *ciphertext; // [esp+30h] [ebp-80h]
int v27[6]; // [esp+34h] [ebp-7Ch] BYREF
__int64 v28; // [esp+4Ch] [ebp-64h] BYREF
__int64 v29; // [esp+54h] [ebp-5Ch] BYREF
int v30; // [esp+5Ch] [ebp-54h] BYREF
int v31; // [esp+60h] [ebp-50h] BYREF
int length[4]; // [esp+64h] [ebp-4Ch] BYREF
char v33; // [esp+74h] [ebp-3Ch]
char v34; // [esp+75h] [ebp-3Bh]
int v35; // [esp+76h] [ebp-3Ah]
char v36; // [esp+7Ah] [ebp-36h]
int v37; // [esp+7Bh] [ebp-35h]
int v38; // [esp+7Fh] [ebp-31h]
int v39; // [esp+83h] [ebp-2Dh]
int v40; // [esp+87h] [ebp-29h]
int v41; // [esp+8Bh] [ebp-25h]
int v42; // [esp+8Fh] [ebp-21h]
__int16 v43; // [esp+93h] [ebp-1Dh]
int key; // [esp+98h] [ebp-18h] BYREF
int key2; // [esp+9Ch] [ebp-14h]
int key3; // [esp+A0h] [ebp-10h]
int key4; // [esp+A4h] [ebp-Ch]
__int16 key5; // [esp+A8h] [ebp-8h]
ciphertext = (_BYTE *)ucrtbase_malloc_(192);
length[0] = 0x966FB0FA;
length[1] = 0xEA1A5D26;
key2 = 0;
length[2] = 0xB957D429;
length[3] = 0xBC71485;
v33 = 0x64;
key3 = 0;
v35 = 0xD90954E9;
v37 = 0x3A6DBCD1;
v38 = 0xA9C0CC4D;
key4 = 0;
v39 = 0x309EAB99;
v40 = 0x443FF4C2;
v41 = 0xE914B72D;
key5 = 0;
v0 = 0x63;
v34 = 0x1E;
v36 = 0x63;
v42 = 0x37317856;
v43 = 0xEA;
v31 = 0;
key = (unsigned __int8)(102 - (kernel32_IsDebuggerPresent_() != 0));
if ( (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)&NtCurrentPeb()->BeingDebugged )
v0 = 50;
BYTE1(key) = v0;
v1 = 0;
v31 = 0;
v2 = 102;
if ( (NtCurrentPeb()->NtGlobalFlag & 0x70) != 0 )
v2 = 97;
v31 = 0;
BYTE2(key) = v2;
CurrentProcess = kernel32_GetCurrentProcess_();
kernel32_CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent_(CurrentProcess, &v31);
v30 = 0;
HIBYTE(key) = (v31 != 0) + 48;
memset(v27, 0, sizeof(v27));
LibraryW = kernel32_LoadLibraryW_(aNtdllDll);
v5 = (int (__stdcall *)(int, char *))kernel32_GetProcAddress_;
if ( LibraryW != -1
&& LibraryW
&& (ProcAddress = (int (__stdcall *)(int, _DWORD, int *, int, int *))kernel32_GetProcAddress_(
aNtqueryinforma)) != 0 )
v7 = kernel32_GetCurrentProcess_();
if ( ProcAddress(v7, 0, v27, 24, &v30) >= 0 && v27[1] )
v8 = (*(_BYTE *)(v27[1] + 2) == 0) + 54;
v8 = (char)ciphertext;
v8 = 0;
v9 = (void (__stdcall *)(wchar_t *, _DWORD))user32_FindWindowW_;
LOBYTE(key2) = v8;
user32_FindWindowW_(aX86, 0);
v9(aId, 0);
BYTE1(key2) = 49;
v10 = kernel32_LoadLibraryW_(aNtdllDll);
if ( v10 != -1 && v10 && (v11 = (void (__stdcall *)(int))v5(v10, aNtsetinformati)) != 0 )
CurrentThread = kernel32_GetCurrentThread_(17, 0, 0);
v13 = 50;
v13 = 0;
BYTE2(key2) = v13;
HIBYTE(key2) = anti_debug_1();
v14 = __readeflags();
LOBYTE(key3) = ((v14 & 0x100) == 0) + 51;
v15 = __rdtsc();
HIDWORD(v28) = HIDWORD(v15);
v30 = v15;
v16 = __rdtsc();
HIDWORD(v29) = HIDWORD(v16);
v31 = v16;
func_kernel32_QueryPerformanceCounter = (void (__thiscall *)(int, __int64 *))kernel32_QueryPerformanceCounter_;
BYTE1(key3) = ((int)v16 - v30 <= (int)&unk_10000) + 56;
func_kernel32_QueryPerformanceCounter(-16 * v18, &v29);
v19 = (((unsigned __int64)(v29 - v28) >> 32) & 0x80000000) != 0i64;
v20 = v29 < v28 || (unsigned __int64)(v29 - v28) >> 32 == 0;
HIDWORD(v29) = (unsigned __int64)(v29 - v28) >> 32;
if ( !v19 && (!v20 || (unsigned int)(v29 - v28) > 0x1E) )
v1 = 1;
func_kernel32_GetTickCount = (int (__thiscall *)(int))kernel32_GetTickCount_;
v22 = 98;
if ( !v1 )
v22 = 52;
BYTE2(key3) = v22;
TickCount = kernel32_GetTickCount_(v14);
HIBYTE(key3) = (unsigned int)(func_kernel32_GetTickCount(-16 * v24) - TickCount) > 0x1E ? 99 : 101;
LOBYTE(key4) = func_closehandle();
BYTE1(key4) = return_const_1();
BYTE2(key4) = return_const_2();
HIBYTE(key4) = return_const_3();
LOBYTE(key5) = return_const_4();
return RC4((const char *)&key, (int)length, ciphertext);
debug078:7FE7109A sub_7FE7109A proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE7134E+29E↓p
debug078:7FE7109A ; __unwind { // sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE7109A push 8
debug078:7FE7109C push offset unk_7FE73598
debug078:7FE710A1 call sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE710A6 xor esi, esi
debug078:7FE710A8 ; __try { // __except at 7FE710BC
debug078:7FE710A8 mov [ebp-4], esi
debug078:7FE710AB push 0BEEFh ; hObject
debug078:7FE710B0 call CloseHandle_
debug078:7FE710B6 jmp short loc_7FE710C2
debug078:7FE710B8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE710B8 ; __except filter // owned by 7FE710A8
debug078:7FE710B8 xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE710BA inc eax
debug078:7FE710BB retn
debug078:7FE710BC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE710BC ; __except(7FE710B8) // owned by 7FE710A8
debug078:7FE710BC mov esp, [ebp-18h]
debug078:7FE710BF xor esi, esi
debug078:7FE710C1 inc esi
debug078:7FE710C1 ; } // starts at 7FE710A8
debug078:7FE710C2 loc_7FE710C2: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE7109A+1C↑j
debug078:7FE710C2 mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFEh
debug078:7FE710C9 xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE710CB test esi, esi
debug078:7FE710CD setnz al
debug078:7FE710D0 add eax, 64h ; 'd'
debug078:7FE710D3 mov ecx, [ebp-10h]
debug078:7FE710D6 mov large fs:0, ecx
debug078:7FE710DD pop ecx
debug078:7FE710DE pop edi
debug078:7FE710DF pop esi
debug078:7FE710E0 pop ebx
debug078:7FE710E1 leave
debug078:7FE710E2 retn
debug078:7FE710E3 ; __unwind { // sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE710E3 push 8
debug078:7FE710E5 push offset unk_7FE735B8
debug078:7FE710EA call sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE710EF xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE710F1 inc eax
debug078:7FE710F2 ; __try { // __except at 7FE71103
debug078:7FE710F2 and dword ptr [ebp-4], 0
debug078:7FE710F6 pushf
debug078:7FE710F7 or [esp+0Ch+var_B], 1
debug078:7FE710FC popf
debug078:7FE710FD jmp short loc_7FE71108
debug078:7FE710FF ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE710FF ; __except filter // owned by 7FE710F2
debug078:7FE710FF xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE71101 inc eax
debug078:7FE71102 retn
debug078:7FE71103 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE71103 ; __except(7FE710FF) // owned by 7FE710F2
debug078:7FE71103 mov esp, [ebp-18h]
debug078:7FE71106 xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE71106 ; } // starts at 7FE710F2
debug078:7FE71108 loc_7FE71108: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE710E3+1A↑j
debug078:7FE71108 mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFEh
debug078:7FE7110F neg eax
debug078:7FE71111 sbb eax, eax
debug078:7FE71113 add eax, 33h ; '3'
debug078:7FE71116 mov ecx, [ebp-10h]
debug078:7FE71119 mov large fs:0, ecx
debug078:7FE71120 pop ecx
debug078:7FE71121 pop edi
debug078:7FE71122 pop esi
debug078:7FE71123 pop ebx
debug078:7FE71124 leave
debug078:7FE71125 retn
debug078:7FE71126 sub_7FE71126 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE7134E+2AE↓p
debug078:7FE71126 ; __unwind { // sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE71126 push 8
debug078:7FE71128 push offset unk_7FE735D8
debug078:7FE7112D call sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE71132 xor ecx, ecx
debug078:7FE71134 inc ecx
debug078:7FE71135 ; __try { // __except at 7FE71140
debug078:7FE71135 and dword ptr [ebp-4], 0
debug078:7FE71139 int 3 ; Trap to Debugger
debug078:7FE7113A jmp short loc_7FE71145
debug078:7FE7113C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE7113C ; __except filter // owned by 7FE71135
debug078:7FE7113C xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE7113E inc eax
debug078:7FE7113F retn
debug078:7FE71140 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE71140 ; __except(7FE7113C) // owned by 7FE71135
debug078:7FE71140 mov esp, [ebp-18h]
debug078:7FE71143 xor ecx, ecx
debug078:7FE71143 ; } // starts at 7FE71135
debug078:7FE71145 loc_7FE71145: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE71126+14↑j
debug078:7FE71145 mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFEh
debug078:7FE7114C xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE7114E test ecx, ecx
debug078:7FE71150 setnz al
debug078:7FE71153 add eax, 61h ; 'a'
debug078:7FE71156 mov ecx, [ebp-10h]
debug078:7FE71159 mov large fs:0, ecx
debug078:7FE71160 pop ecx
debug078:7FE71161 pop edi
debug078:7FE71162 pop esi
debug078:7FE71163 pop ebx
debug078:7FE71164 leave
debug078:7FE71165 retn
debug078:7FE711AC sub_7FE711AC proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE7134E+2B6↓p
debug078:7FE711AC ; __unwind { // sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE711AC push 8
debug078:7FE711AE push offset unk_7FE73618
debug078:7FE711B3 call sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE711B8 xor ecx, ecx
debug078:7FE711BA inc ecx
debug078:7FE711BB ; __try { // __except at 7FE711C8
debug078:7FE711BB and dword ptr [ebp-4], 0
debug078:7FE711BF int 2Dh ; Windows NT - debugging services: eax = type
debug078:7FE711C1 nop
debug078:7FE711C2 jmp short loc_7FE711CD
debug078:7FE711C4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE711C4 ; __except filter // owned by 7FE711BB
debug078:7FE711C4 xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE711C6 inc eax
debug078:7FE711C7 retn
debug078:7FE711C8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE711C8 ; __except(7FE711C4) // owned by 7FE711BB
debug078:7FE711C8 mov esp, [ebp-18h]
debug078:7FE711CB xor ecx, ecx
debug078:7FE711CB ; } // starts at 7FE711BB
debug078:7FE711CD loc_7FE711CD: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE711AC+16↑j
debug078:7FE711CD mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFEh
debug078:7FE711D4 push 33h ; '3'
debug078:7FE711D6 pop eax
debug078:7FE711D7 push 31h ; '1'
debug078:7FE711D9 pop edx
debug078:7FE711DA test ecx, ecx
debug078:7FE711DC cmovnz eax, edx
debug078:7FE711DF mov ecx, [ebp-10h]
debug078:7FE711E2 mov large fs:0, ecx
debug078:7FE711E9 pop ecx
debug078:7FE711EA pop edi
debug078:7FE711EB pop esi
debug078:7FE711EC pop ebx
debug078:7FE711ED leave
debug078:7FE711EE retn
debug078:7FE71126 sub_7FE71126 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE7134E+2AE↓p
debug078:7FE71126 ; __unwind { // sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE71126 push 8
debug078:7FE71128 push offset unk_7FE735D8
debug078:7FE7112D call sub_7FE71F70
debug078:7FE71132 xor ecx, ecx
debug078:7FE71134 inc ecx
debug078:7FE71135 ; __try { // __except at 7FE71140
debug078:7FE71135 and dword ptr [ebp-4], 0
debug078:7FE71139 int 3 ; Trap to Debugger
debug078:7FE7113A jmp short loc_7FE71145
debug078:7FE7113C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE7113C ; __except filter // owned by 7FE71135
debug078:7FE7113C xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE7113E inc eax
debug078:7FE7113F retn
debug078:7FE71140 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debug078:7FE71140 ; __except(7FE7113C) // owned by 7FE71135
debug078:7FE71140 mov esp, [ebp-18h]
debug078:7FE71143 xor ecx, ecx
debug078:7FE71143 ; } // starts at 7FE71135
debug078:7FE71145 loc_7FE71145: ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE71126+14↑j
debug078:7FE71145 mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFEh
debug078:7FE7114C xor eax, eax
debug078:7FE7114E test ecx, ecx
debug078:7FE71150 setnz al
debug078:7FE71153 add eax, 61h ; 'a'
debug078:7FE71156 mov ecx, [ebp-10h]
debug078:7FE71159 mov large fs:0, ecx
debug078:7FE71160 pop ecx
debug078:7FE71161 pop edi
debug078:7FE71162 pop esi
debug078:7FE71163 pop ebx
debug078:7FE71164 leave
debug078:7FE71165 retn
int __fastcall RC4(const char *key, int length, _BYTE *ciphertext)
signed int v3; // esi
int v4; // edi
int i; // eax
int v6; // ecx
unsigned __int8 v7; // bl
int v10; // [esp+18h] [ebp-108h]
char keystream[256]; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-104h] BYREF
v3 = strlen(key);
v4 = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 256; ++i )
keystream[i] = i;
v6 = 0;
v10 = 0;
v7 = keystream[v6];
v4 = (v7 + key[v6 % v3] + v4) % 256;
keystream[v10] = keystream[v4];
v6 = v10 + 1;
keystream[v4] = v7;
v10 = v6;
while ( v6 < 256 );
RC4_enc((int)keystream, length, ciphertext);
return 0;
Function func_closehandle, return_const_1 - return_const_4 basically do try catch with anti debug mechanism. The possibility of the value returned only two, if there is no exception will be A and if there is exception will be B. So we can conclude that it is possible to brute it. At the end we need to find the correct key and ciphertext to get the flag through RC4 decryption. Because there are so many anti debug check, the easy way to solve it just by bruteforcing all possibility (key, key2, key3, key4, key5). key-key5 actually one key (contiguous memory location/no null byte between variable location), it divided to 5 variables because decompiler mechanism.
from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4
from itertools import product
list_key = [[] for i in range(17)]
# key
list_key[0] = [0x66, 0x65]
list_key[1] = [0x63, 0x32]
list_key[2] = [0x66, 0x61]
list_key[3] = [0x30, 0x31]
# key2
list_key[4] = [0x36, 0x37]
list_key[5] = [0x31]
list_key[6] = [0x32, 0x0]
list_key[7] = [0x62, 0x61]
# key3
list_key[8] = [0x33, 0x34]
list_key[9] = [0x38, 0x39]
list_key[10] = [0x62, 0x34]
list_key[11] = [0x63, 0x65]
# key4
list_key[12] = [0x64, 0x65]
list_key[13] = [0x33, 0x34]
list_key[14] = [0x61, 0x62]
list_key[15] = [0x31, 0x33]
# key5
list_key[16] = [0x61, 0x62]
ct = "FA B0 6F 96 26 5D 1A EA 29 D4 57 B9 85 14 C7 0B 64 1E E9 54 09 D9 63 D1 BC 6D 3A 4D CC C0 A9 99 AB 9E 30 C2 F4 3F 44 2D B7 14 E9 56 78 31 37 EA"
ct = [int(i, 16) for i in ct.split(" ")]
ct = bytes(ct)
for i in product(*list_key):
tmp_key = bytes(i)
cipher =
pt = cipher.decrypt(ct)
if b"ASCWG" in pt:
print(tmp_key, pt)
Flag: ASCWG{What_A_ReverseEngineering_Beast_13337_-_-}
Awaken (900 pts)
Given assembly code below
.string "Enter The Flag:"
.string "%s"
.string "Wrong Flag"
.string "Correct Flag"
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 464
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-112], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-104], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-96], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-88], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-80], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-72], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-64], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-56], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-48], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-40], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-32], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-24], 0
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-16], 0
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
call puts
lea rax, [rbp-112]
mov rsi, rax
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC1
mov eax, 0
call __isoc99_scanf
movabs rax, -871222578553387942
movabs rdx, -3456440840989770153
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-368], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-360], rdx
movabs rax, -6917285895965957581
movabs rdx, 2096695603964784419
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-352], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-344], rdx
movabs rax, 4501421280245125089
movabs rdx, -5989732096912246845
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-336], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-328], rdx
movabs rax, -7641474145812966946
movabs rdx, 5943263215614115999
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-320], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-312], rdx
movabs rax, 3346881274156629838
movabs rdx, -4046563652848771978
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-304], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-296], rdx
movabs rax, 1600213061547397258
movabs rdx, -7907006450299616387
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-288], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-280], rdx
movabs rax, 2641250925692849876
movabs rdx, 5764027888120773659
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-272], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-264], rdx
movabs rax, -2708211178971868809
movabs rdx, -1437889653997315907
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-256], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-248], rdx
movabs rax, -1790267167538066993
movabs rdx, 6751799815650390725
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-240], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-232], rdx
movabs rax, -7155949167227380485
movabs rdx, -240513889820188763
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-224], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-216], rdx
movabs rax, 8430573516374475283
movabs rdx, 7014569824855873983
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-208], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-200], rdx
movabs rax, -1194317526320485479
movabs rdx, -2635243135622213470
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-192], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-184], rdx
movabs rax, 3816607778456458796
movabs rdx, 7739645478794557909
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-176], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-168], rdx
movabs rax, 2239858223738625365
movabs rdx, 6262919446888351940
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-160], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-152], rdx
movabs rax, 5359968574739497219
movabs rdx, -5945185636638990574
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-144], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-136], rdx
movabs rax, 4289602485438450409
movabs rdx, -4136753309120802266
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-128], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-120], rdx
movabs rax, 3689636007142570038
movabs rdx, 7149575679097845041
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-400], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-392], rdx
movabs rax, 3544442000607754086
movabs rdx, 58494055442021
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-390], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-382], rdx
movabs rax, -6712584965997026559
movabs rdx, 5818345077617353901
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-464], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-456], rdx
movabs rax, -1172694937141806812
movabs rdx, -4970398359911696349
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-448], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-440], rdx
movabs rax, -7528756344694355204
movabs rdx, -880185776627970324
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-432], rax
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-424], rdx
mov WORD PTR [rbp-416], -4294
mov BYTE PTR [rbp-1], 0
mov BYTE PTR [rbp-2], 0
mov BYTE PTR [rbp-9], 0
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 0
jmp .L2
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-112+rax]
mov BYTE PTR [rbp-9], al
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-9]
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-368+rax]
mov BYTE PTR [rbp-1], al
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
movsx rax, ecx
imul rax, rax, 715827883
shr rax, 32
mov edx, eax
sar edx, 2
mov eax, ecx
sar eax, 31
sub edx, eax
mov eax, edx
add eax, eax
add eax, edx
sal eax, 3
sub ecx, eax
mov edx, ecx
movsx rax, edx
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-400+rax]
mov BYTE PTR [rbp-2], al
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
movsx rax, ecx
imul rax, rax, 715827883
shr rax, 32
mov edx, eax
sar edx, 2
mov eax, ecx
sar eax, 31
sub edx, eax
mov eax, edx
add eax, eax
add eax, edx
sal eax, 3
sub ecx, eax
mov edx, ecx
mov eax, edx
and eax, 1
test eax, eax
je .L3
not BYTE PTR [rbp-2]
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-2]
xor BYTE PTR [rbp-1], al
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-1]
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-368+rax]
mov BYTE PTR [rbp-1], al
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-1]
and eax, 1
test eax, eax
je .L4
xor BYTE PTR [rbp-1], 66
not BYTE PTR [rbp-1]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-464+rax]
cmp BYTE PTR [rbp-1], al
je .L5
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2
mov eax, 0
call printf
mov eax, 1
jmp .L8
add DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 1
cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 49
jle .L7
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC3
mov eax, 0
call printf
mov eax, 0
Since the assembly code not too long we can reconstruct the code to another programming language such as python. Here is my implementation on python
from Crypto.Util.number import *
import string
def mov(addr, value, size):
value = value & (2**(size*8) - 1)
memory[addr:addr+size] = list(long_to_bytes(value)[::-1].rjust(size, b"\x00"))
def get(addr, size):
return bytes_to_long(bytes(memory[addr:addr+size]))
def not_op(value, size):
return ~value & (2**(size*8) - 1)
rbp = 500
memory = [0 for _ in range(1000)]
mov(rbp-112, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-104, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-96, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-88, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-80, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-72, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-64, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-56, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-48, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-40, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-32, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-24, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-16, 0, 8)
rax = 0xf3e8cbae4506845a
rdx = 0xd008415e3da6fe57
mov(rbp-368, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-360, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xa000dd2081212233
rdx = 0x1d18f58b0471af23
mov(rbp-352, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-344, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x3e7842ce09650fe1
rdx = 0xace032648fca37c3
mov(rbp-336, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-328, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x95f407c02a7c91de
rdx = 0x527ab667e553409f
mov(rbp-320, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-312, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x2e7282c94b833f4e
rdx = 0xc7d7b7cc1ef11c76
mov(rbp-304, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-296, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x1635194d1a79108a
rdx = 0x9244ab86cd2b437d
mov(rbp-288, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-280, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x24a79bb914980ed4
rdx = 0x4ffdf0d33ae23c1b
mov(rbp-272, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-264, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xda6a80480ca3d177
rdx = 0xec0b96fa5b47d8bd
mov(rbp-256, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-248, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xe727b17f11d949cf
rdx = 0x5db33628e663b2c5
mov(rbp-240, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-232, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x9cb0f62570a8dcfb
rdx = 0xfca985e439b85fa5
mov(rbp-224, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-216, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x74ff69f230510213
rdx = 0x6158c21746b559bf
mov(rbp-208, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-200, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xef6cee899ea4eb99
rdx = 0xdb6dbc548c7390a2
mov(rbp-192, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-184, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x34f7508da1e3d62c
rdx = 0x6b68be8e7b01f9d5
mov(rbp-176, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-168, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x1f15932fed2d9d55
rdx = 0x56ea5c0df8aa88c4
mov(rbp-160, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-152, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x4a626f05389ac103
rdx = 0xad7e75299460df12
mov(rbp-144, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-136, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x3b87babbb4310ae9
rdx = 0xc6974cc8666ed226
mov(rbp-128, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-120, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x3334386664393836
rdx = 0x6338653337663531
mov(rbp-400, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-392, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x3130633865333766
rdx = 0xaaaa353335656665
mov(rbp-390, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-382, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xa2d81b89c91ea301
rdx = 0x50beea056c0664ad
mov(rbp-464, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-456, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xefb9c02af9c37924
rdx = 0xbb059906a5477823
mov(rbp-448, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-440, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x97847bfe5a064afc
rdx = 0xf3c8f3b317bd0eec
mov(rbp-432, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-424, rdx, 8)
mov(rbp-416, 0xef3a, 2)
inp = b"ASCWG{aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}"
for i in range(len(inp)):
mov(rbp-112+i, inp[i] ,1)
mod_val = 24
while True:
counter = get(rbp-8, 4)
if(counter == len(inp)):
eax = get(rbp-8, 4)
eax = get(rbp-112+eax, 1)
mov(rbp-9, eax, 1)
eax = get(rbp-9, 1)
eax = get(rbp-368+eax, 1)
mov(rbp-1, eax, 1)
ecx = get(rbp-8, 4)
rax = ecx
rax = rax % mod_val
eax = get(rbp-400+rax, 1)
mov(rbp-2, eax, 1)
ecx = get(rbp-8, 4)
rax = ecx
eax = rax % mod_val
eax &= 1
if(eax != 0):
tmp = get(rbp-2, 1)
tmp = not_op(tmp, 1)
mov(rbp-2, tmp, 1)
eax = get(rbp-2, 1)
tmp = get(rbp-1, 1)
eax ^= tmp
mov(rbp-1, eax, 1)
eax = get(rbp-368+eax, 1)
mov(rbp-1, eax, 1)
eax = get(rbp-1, 1)
eax &= 1
if(eax != 0):
tmp = get(rbp-1, 1)
tmp ^= 66
mov(rbp-1, tmp, 1)
tmp = get(rbp-1, 1)
tmp = not_op(tmp, 1)
mov(rbp-1, tmp, 1)
eax = get(rbp-8, 4)
eax = get(rbp-464+eax, 1)
tmp = get(rbp-1, 1)
if(tmp == eax):
mov(rbp-8, counter + 1, 4)
if(get(rbp-8, 4) == 50):
We can see that the input processed each one byte so basically we can do bruteforce one byte to get the valid flag. Here is modified code i used to do bruteforce
from Crypto.Util.number import *
import string
def mov(addr, value, size):
value = value & (2**(size*8) - 1)
memory[addr:addr+size] = list(long_to_bytes(value)[::-1].rjust(size, b"\x00"))
def get(addr, size):
return bytes_to_long(bytes(memory[addr:addr+size]))
def not_op(value, size):
return ~value & (2**(size*8) - 1)
memory = [0 for _ in range(1000)]
rbp = 500
mod_val = 24
memory = [0 for _ in range(1000)]
flag = ""
for lol in range(50):
init_length = len(flag)
for x in string.printable[:-6]:
mov(rbp-112, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-104, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-96, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-88, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-80, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-72, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-64, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-56, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-48, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-40, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-32, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-24, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-16, 0, 8)
mov(rbp-112+lol, ord(x) ,1)
mov(rbp-8, lol, 4)
rax = 0xf3e8cbae4506845a
rdx = 0xd008415e3da6fe57
mov(rbp-368, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-360, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xa000dd2081212233
rdx = 0x1d18f58b0471af23
mov(rbp-352, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-344, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x3e7842ce09650fe1
rdx = 0xace032648fca37c3
mov(rbp-336, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-328, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x95f407c02a7c91de
rdx = 0x527ab667e553409f
mov(rbp-320, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-312, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x2e7282c94b833f4e
rdx = 0xc7d7b7cc1ef11c76
mov(rbp-304, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-296, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x1635194d1a79108a
rdx = 0x9244ab86cd2b437d
mov(rbp-288, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-280, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x24a79bb914980ed4
rdx = 0x4ffdf0d33ae23c1b
mov(rbp-272, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-264, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xda6a80480ca3d177
rdx = 0xec0b96fa5b47d8bd
mov(rbp-256, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-248, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xe727b17f11d949cf
rdx = 0x5db33628e663b2c5
mov(rbp-240, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-232, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x9cb0f62570a8dcfb
rdx = 0xfca985e439b85fa5
mov(rbp-224, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-216, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x74ff69f230510213
rdx = 0x6158c21746b559bf
mov(rbp-208, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-200, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xef6cee899ea4eb99
rdx = 0xdb6dbc548c7390a2
mov(rbp-192, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-184, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x34f7508da1e3d62c
rdx = 0x6b68be8e7b01f9d5
mov(rbp-176, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-168, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x1f15932fed2d9d55
rdx = 0x56ea5c0df8aa88c4
mov(rbp-160, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-152, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x4a626f05389ac103
rdx = 0xad7e75299460df12
mov(rbp-144, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-136, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x3b87babbb4310ae9
rdx = 0xc6974cc8666ed226
mov(rbp-128, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-120, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x3334386664393836
rdx = 0x6338653337663531
mov(rbp-400, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-392, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x3130633865333766
rdx = 0xaaaa353335656665
mov(rbp-390, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-382, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xa2d81b89c91ea301
rdx = 0x50beea056c0664ad
mov(rbp-464, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-456, rdx, 8)
rax = 0xefb9c02af9c37924
rdx = 0xbb059906a5477823
mov(rbp-448, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-440, rdx, 8)
rax = 0x97847bfe5a064afc
rdx = 0xf3c8f3b317bd0eec
mov(rbp-432, rax, 8)
mov(rbp-424, rdx, 8)
mov(rbp-416, 0xef3a, 2)
counter = get(rbp-8, 4)
eax = get(rbp-8, 4)
eax = get(rbp-112+eax, 1)
mov(rbp-9, eax, 1)
eax = get(rbp-9, 1)
eax = get(rbp-368+eax, 1)
mov(rbp-1, eax, 1)
ecx = get(rbp-8, 4)
rax = ecx
rax = rax % mod_val
eax = get(rbp-400+rax, 1)
mov(rbp-2, eax, 1)
ecx = get(rbp-8, 4)
rax = ecx
eax = rax % mod_val
eax &= 1
if(eax != 0):
tmp = get(rbp-2, 1)
tmp = not_op(tmp, 1)
mov(rbp-2, tmp, 1)
eax = get(rbp-2, 1)
tmp = get(rbp-1, 1)
eax ^= tmp
mov(rbp-1, eax, 1)
eax = get(rbp-368+eax, 1)
mov(rbp-1, eax, 1)
eax = get(rbp-1, 1)
eax &= 1
if(eax != 0):
tmp = get(rbp-1, 1)
tmp ^= 66
mov(rbp-1, tmp, 1)
tmp = get(rbp-1, 1)
tmp = not_op(tmp, 1)
mov(rbp-1, tmp, 1)
eax = get(rbp-8, 4)
eax = get(rbp-464+eax, 1)
tmp = get(rbp-1, 1)
if(tmp == eax):
flag += x
if(len(flag) == init_length):
flag += '!' # track error
Flag: ASCWG{What_do_you_see_before_it_is_over?_998bd0d4}
Guess The Flag (900 pts)
Given ELF 64 bit file
When we open the main function it show something like fake validation because it always return wrong key
So the next step, i checked the init_array
to see whether there is suspicious function called before actual main
We can see on image above that there is function_main
in init_array
There are puts and scanf
on that function and we can implement the xor process to knowing the value printed out.
from Crypto.Util.number import *
res = b""
for i in a:
tmp = long_to_bytes(i)[::-1]
for j in tmp:
res += bytes([j^0x99])
We can confirm that the printed out string is same like in actual main function. Then, we just need to set breakpoint on that address to make sure that our input actually processed on 0x13A1
not in main
if ( !pid )
v0 = mmap(0LL, 0x6D0uLL, 7, 34, -1, 0LL);
v17 = (void (__fastcall *)(_QWORD))v0;
*v0 = byte_4080[0];
v0[217] = byte_4080[217];
(void *)((unsigned __int64)(v0 + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8LL),
(const void *)((char *)byte_4080 - ((char *)v0 - ((unsigned __int64)(v0 + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8LL))),
8LL * ((((_DWORD)v0 - (((_DWORD)v0 + 8) & 0xFFFFFFF8) + 1744) & 0xFFFFFFF8) >> 3));
ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL);
v16 = v17;
v17(v7); // pass our input as argument
Function v17
processed our input and the function created during runtime. Opcode
of function v17
stored on 0x4080
We can directly convert the opcode to instruction by pressing c
in IDA
function loc_408B
xoring the byte on index i
with index i-1
then stored it on i
(basically like self modifying code). We can reimplement the function to make the rest instruction valid.
from Crypto.Util.number import *
f = open("Guess_The_Flag", "rb").read()
def decrypt(data):
tmp = list(data)
for i in range(len(data)-1, 36, -1):
tmp[i] = tmp[i-1]^tmp[i]
return tmp
def encrypt(data):
tmp = list(data)
for i in range(36, len(data)-1):
tmp[i+1] = tmp[i]^tmp[i+1]
return tmp
index = f.index(b"\x49\x89\xf9\x4d\x31\xe4")
length = 1744
ori = f[index:index+length]
data = decrypt(ori)
result = list(f)
result[index:index+length] = data
out = open("lol_patched", "wb")
Opening new binary, now we can convert the opcode to valid instruction on address 0x40be
. On address 0x40bc
we can see that there is instruction ud2
, basically this instruction trigger crash child process
to back to parent process
inside while looping (0x1ba1).
There are also another instructions that trigger the same condition such as sys_kill
and int 3
(as shown in image below)
During the competition i do debugging
and modified some function name inside while looping to make it easier to do static analysis.
while ( 1 )
result = waitpid(pid, &stat_loc, 0);
if ( result == -1 )
switch ( stat_loc >> 8 )
case 5:
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v18 = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14, 0LL) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000LL | 0x90909090;
v12 = (unsigned __int8)rol_func(v12, v13);
ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
case 4:
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v1 = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14, 0LL);
LOWORD(v1) = 0;
v18 = v1 | 0x9090;
ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14, v1 | 0x9090);
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v12 = (unsigned __int8)ror_func(v12, v13);
ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
case 8:
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v12 = (unsigned __int8)add_func(v12, v13);
ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v18 = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14, 0LL) & 0xFFFFFFFFFF000000LL | 0x909090;
ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14, v18);
case 11:
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v12 = (unsigned __int8)xor_func(v12, v13);
ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v18 = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14, 0LL) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000LL | 0x90909090;
ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14, v18);
v18 = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14 + 4, 0LL) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000LL | 0x90909090;
ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14 + 4, v18);
case 31:
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v18 = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, (unsigned int)pid, v14, 0LL) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000LL | 0x90909090;
output_func((unsigned __int8)v11);
case 18:
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v12 = (unsigned __int8)xor_rol(v10, v13);
ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
case 28:
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
v12 = (unsigned __int8)xor_ror(v10, v13);
ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, v9);
if ( (stat_loc & 0x7F) == 0 || stat_loc >> 8 == 17 )
*(_QWORD *)v3 = 0xCEB9EABEEDF8F1CDLL; // weird out
*(_QWORD *)&v3[5] = 0x99FDEBF0FCCEB9EALL;
for ( j = 0; j <= 12; ++j )
v3[j] ^= 0x99u;
ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, (unsigned int)pid, 0LL, 0LL);
We can see that there are some ptrace
function called inside while looping with different first argument which are
Next step i did was tracing those ptrace
call including dump all the argument by utilizing preload
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
FILE* pFile2;
long int ptrace(enum __ptrace_request __request, ...){
pid_t caller = getpid();
va_list list;
va_start(list, __request);
pid_t pid = va_arg(list, pid_t);
void* addr = va_arg(list, void*);
void* data = va_arg(list, void*);
long int (*orig_ptrace)(enum __ptrace_request __request, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data);
orig_ptrace = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "ptrace");
long int result = orig_ptrace(__request, pid, addr, data);
if (__request == PTRACE_PEEKTEXT){
fprintf(pFile2, "PEEK (0x%lx , 0x%lx),\n", (unsigned long)addr, (unsigned long)data);
else if (__request == PTRACE_POKETEXT){
fprintf(pFile2, "POKE (0x%lx , 0x%lx),\n", (unsigned long)addr, (unsigned long)data);
else if (__request == PTRACE_GETREGS){
unsigned long rip = *((unsigned long*)data + 16);
fprintf(pFile2, "GETREGS: rip: 0x%lx\n", rip);
else if (__request == PTRACE_SETREGS){
unsigned long rip = *((unsigned long*)data + 16);
fprintf(pFile2, "SETREGS: rip: 0x%lx\n", rip);
return result;
__attribute__((constructor)) static void setup(void) {
pFile2 = fopen("./log.txt", "a");
Compile the source code using command below
gcc -shared -fPIC ptrace_hook.c -ldl -o
After that just run binary like command below then there you can see the trace result on log.txt
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899503c
PEEK (0x7f68f899503c , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f899503c , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899503c
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899503c
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995079
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995079
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899509b
PEEK (0x7f68f899509b , 0x0),
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899509b
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89950bd
PEEK (0x7f68f89950bd , 0x0),
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89950bd
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89950f8
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89950f8
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995119
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995119
PEEK (0x7f68f8995119 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995119 , 0x90909090),
PEEK (0x7f68f899511d , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f899511d , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995143
PEEK (0x7f68f8995143 , 0x0),
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995143
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899516a
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899516a
PEEK (0x7f68f899516a , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f899516a , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899518f
PEEK (0x7f68f899518f , 0x0),
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899518f
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89951b6
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89951b6
PEEK (0x7f68f89951b6 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89951b6 , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89951da
PEEK (0x7f68f89951da , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89951da , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89951da
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89951da
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995217
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995217
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995252
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995252
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899528d
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899528d
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89952c8
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89952c8
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89952e9
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89952e9
PEEK (0x7f68f89952e9 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89952e9 , 0x90909090),
PEEK (0x7f68f89952ed , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89952ed , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899532c
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899532c
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899534d
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899534d
PEEK (0x7f68f899534d , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f899534d , 0x90909090),
PEEK (0x7f68f8995351 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995351 , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995376
PEEK (0x7f68f8995376 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995376 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995376
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995376
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995399
PEEK (0x7f68f8995399 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995399 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995399
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995399
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89953d6
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89953d6
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89953f7
PEEK (0x7f68f89953f7 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89953f7 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89953f7
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89953f7
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899541a
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899541a
PEEK (0x7f68f899541a , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f899541a , 0x90909090),
PEEK (0x7f68f899541e , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f899541e , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995443
PEEK (0x7f68f8995443 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995443 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995443
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995443
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995466
PEEK (0x7f68f8995466 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995466 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995466
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995466
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89954a3
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89954a3
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89954ca
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89954ca
PEEK (0x7f68f89954ca , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89954ca , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89954ee
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89954ee
PEEK (0x7f68f89954ee , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89954ee , 0x90909090),
PEEK (0x7f68f89954f2 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89954f2 , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995531
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995531
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995553
PEEK (0x7f68f8995553 , 0x0),
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995553
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899557a
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899557a
PEEK (0x7f68f899557a , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f899557a , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89955a4
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89955a4
PEEK (0x7f68f89955a4 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89955a4 , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89955e2
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89955e2
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995603
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995603
PEEK (0x7f68f8995603 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995603 , 0x90909090),
PEEK (0x7f68f8995607 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995607 , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899562c
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899562c
PEEK (0x7f68f899562c , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f899562c , 0x90909090),
PEEK (0x7f68f8995630 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995630 , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899566f
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f899566f
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995690
PEEK (0x7f68f8995690 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f8995690 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995690
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f8995690
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89956b3
PEEK (0x7f68f89956b3 , 0x0),
POKE (0x7f68f89956b3 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89956b3
SETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89956b3
GETREGS: rip: 0x7f68f89956c7
PEEK (0x7f68f89956c7 , 0x0),
Based on the trace log, the binary doing self modification again by modify its next instruction and back to that instruction to continue the process. Besides that it also take value on some register then processed it on parent process. The first thing i do was patching the actual opcode (from POKETEXT
ptrace) to the binary so we can get the all valid instruction.
from Crypto.Util.number import *
f = open("patched", "rb").read()
def decrypt(data):
tmp = list(data)
for i in range(len(data)-1, 36, -1):
tmp[i] = tmp[i-1]^tmp[i]
return tmp
def encrypt(data):
tmp = list(data)
for i in range(36, len(data)-1):
tmp[i+1] = tmp[i]^tmp[i+1]
return tmp
index = f.index(b"\x49\x89\xf9\x4d\x31\xe4")
addr_patch = [
(0x7f93df5a403c , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
(0x7f93df5a4119 , 0x90909090),
(0x7f93df5a411d , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
(0x7f93df5a416a , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
(0x7f93df5a41b6 , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
(0x7f93df5a41da , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
(0x7f93df5a42e9 , 0x90909090),
(0x7f93df5a42ed , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
(0x7f93df5a434d , 0x90909090),
(0x7f93df5a4351 , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
(0x7f93df5a4376 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
(0x7f93df5a4399 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
(0x7f93df5a43f7 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
(0x7f93df5a441a , 0x90909090),
(0x7f93df5a441e , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
(0x7f93df5a4443 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
(0x7f93df5a4466 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
(0x7f93df5a44ca , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
(0x7f93df5a44ee , 0x90909090),
(0x7f93df5a44f2 , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
(0x7f93df5a457a , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
(0x7f93df5a45a4 , 0x3045c1ff49909090),
(0x7f93df5a4603 , 0x90909090),
(0x7f93df5a4607 , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
(0x7f93df5a462c , 0x90909090),
(0x7f93df5a4630 , 0x45c1ff4990909090),
(0x7f93df5a4690 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
(0x7f93df5a46b3 , 0xe33045c1ff499090),
base = 140273084153856
length = 1744
ori = f[index:index+length]
data = decrypt(ori)
for i in addr_patch:
tmp_index = i[0]-base
repl = list(long_to_bytes(i[1]))[::-1]
data[tmp_index:tmp_index+len(repl)] = repl
for i in range(len(data)):
if(data[i] == 0xcc):
data[i] = 0x90
result = list(f)
result[index:index+length] = data
out = open("lol_patched", "wb")
Next, after getting the correct instruction we need to what values passed to the parent process. Set breakpoint on address that call fork
To dive in child process we need to change follow-fork-mode
to child
On call rdx
we need to step instruction to know what values will be
Okay, so in the last instruction before back to the parent process there are 3 register that have values.
r10 = 0x1c
r11 = 0x41
r12 = 0x14
Now, we back again to parent process and check which instruction processed those values.
As we can see on image above that the first values processed on parent process is same like in child process. During the competition, my approach is parsing the instruction using gdb
scripting. Here is the script i used to parse the instruction
class SolverEquation(gdb.Command):
def __init__ (self):
super (SolverEquation, self).__init__ ("solve-equation",gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
def invoke (self, arg, from_tty):
gdb.execute("pie del")
list_bp = ["0x1616", "0x171a", "0x179b", "0x187f", "0x1a0b", "0x1a5b", "0x1ad8"]
list_instr = []
for i in list_bp:
gdb.execute(f"pie b {i}")
gdb.execute("pie run < inp.txt")
list_pc = []
for _ in range(44):
pc = addr2num(gdb.selected_frame().read_register("pc"))
pc = pc - 0x0000555555554000
def parse(f):
f = f.split("\n")
result = []
for i in f:
tmp = i.split("\t")
for j in range(1,len(tmp)):
return result
def addr2num(addr):
return int(addr) # Python 3
return long(addr) # Python 2
There are some invalid instruction on result but it obvious and we can clear it manually. After getting valid instruction then i created vm
for those instructions. Since the validation processed our values each byte we can easiy bruteforce it to get the flag.
import string
rol = lambda val, r_bits, max_bits: \
(val << r_bits%max_bits) & (2**max_bits-1) | \
((val & (2**max_bits-1)) >> (max_bits-(r_bits%max_bits)))
ror = lambda val, r_bits, max_bits: \
((val & (2**max_bits-1)) >> r_bits%max_bits) | \
(val << (max_bits-(r_bits%max_bits)) & (2**max_bits-1))
# from lol_patched elf
array_r12b = [0x0C9,0x0CF,0x2A,0x0D3,0x74,0x32,0x0FA,0x0CB,0x1E,0x0A,0x4F,0x93,0x0EF,0x0DC,0x36,0x62,0x0F0,0x4B,0x65,0x0BF,0x5A,0x82,0x93,0x0F,0x73,0x74,0x1A,0x0EB,0x0BD,0x6F,0x0EB,0x98,0x0A,0x0C9,0x0B2,0x0E5,0x0A8,0x93]
array_r10 = [0x1C,0x6,0x15,0x8,0x25,0x10,0x1B,0x24,0x9,0x0D,0x16,0x4,0x3,0x26,0x4,0x23,0x18,0x27,0x0D,0x17,0x4,0x26,0x1B,0x22,0x14,0x22,0x6,0x0F,0x1D,0x12,0x20,0x6,0x13,0x25,0x1D,0x12,0x10,0x0A]
# from gdb scripting
list_pc = [5914, 6872, 5654, 5654, 6872, 6271, 5654, 6043, 5654, 6043, 5914, 6872, 6747, 6747, 6747, 6271, 6872, 6271, 5914, 5914, 6747, 5914, 6271, 5914, 5914, 6747, 6043, 6271, 6872, 5654, 6043, 6043, 6872, 6271, 6271, 6872, 5914, 5914]
r13 = 0
inp = b""
flag = ""
for i in range(len(list_pc)):
for j in string.printable[:-6]:
pc = list_pc[i]
curr_r12b = array_r12b[i]
curr_r12b = rol(curr_r12b, 5, 8)
curr_r12b ^= 0x2d
curr_r11b = ord(j)
curr_r10 = array_r10[i]
if(pc == 0x1616):
curr_r11b = rol(curr_r11b, curr_r10, 8)
elif(pc == 0x171a):
curr_r11b = ror(curr_r11b, curr_r10, 8)
elif(pc == 0x179b):
curr_r11b = (curr_r11b + curr_r10)&0xff
elif(pc == 0x187f):
curr_r11b = (curr_r11b ^ curr_r10)&0xff
elif(pc == 0x1a5b):
result = (curr_r10 ^ 65)&0xff
curr_r11b = rol(curr_r11b, result, 8)&0xff
elif(pc == 0x1ad8):
result = (curr_r10 ^ 68)&0xff
curr_r11b = ror(curr_r11b, result, 8)&0xff
tmp_res = curr_r11b ^ curr_r12b
if(tmp_res == 0):
flag += j
r13 |= tmp_res
Flag: ASCWG{N0w_1_4m_B3c0m3_D34th_500861fd8}
Last updated