

NotFS (180 pts)

NotFS (180 pts)


Is this a FileSystem? Identify the file and make the necessary adjustments to solve the challenge. Note: The challenge file size is 16GB after extraction.


During the competition, my friend found an interesting file without header using r-studio

Because it is a free edition of r-studio we cant dump the file, so looking at some hex value i tried to search the file. First, i use autopsy to load Chall.img file and export the unallocated space partition. Because if we search on 16gb files it will take a long time. Because i know some hex value and know what should the end of PNG file we can just parse the png and get the flag.

f = open("Unalloc_4_20054016_544342528", "rb").read()
index = f.index(bytes.fromhex("A350A89C73CE3957"))
leak = f[index-104:index+20000]
last = f[index:].index(b"IEND")
nice = f[index-100:index+last+8]

nice = b"\x89\x50\x4e\x47" + nice
out = open("flag.png", "wb")

Flag: BHFlagY{8bd8dc3ea7636c5fb8aeb}

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