So we need money >= 1000000000 to get the flag. Since we can control nonce and hex we can manipulate the plaintext during the decryption process.
To modify the money (plaintext) which is 0.0, we can use scientific notation to get big number with only 3 bytes values. To modify the money (plaintext) which is 0.0, we can use scientific notation to get big number with only 3 bytes value. Here is the detail of process
One day in April, I found these strange numbers, along with a program.
The program encrypt the image using random number generated by Java.util.Random.nextLong . nextLong is pseudorandom generator and for cracking it i used script provided by . Here is the full implementation for my solver
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Implement and crack java's util.Random.nextLong()
# Reference:
import sys
from Crypto.Util.number import *
# Colors
class fc:
cyan = '\033[96m'
green = '\033[92m'
orange = '\033[93m'
red = '\033[91m'
end = '\033[0m'
bold = '\033[1m'
# Return the signed representation of a value
# For example:
# unsigned 1001 = 9
# signed 1001 = -7
# getSigned(9,4) == 7
def getSigned(n,bits):
if n >= 2**(bits-1):
return -((n^(2**bits-1))+1)
return n
# Returns the value that you need to pass to java.util.Random.setSeed()
# in order to set the seed to `seed`.
def reverseSeed(seed):
return (seed ^ 0x5DEECE66D)
# This function is unused in this code.
# It implements the java.util.Random.setSeed() function
def setSeed(seed):
return (seed ^ 0x5DEECE66D) & (2**48-1)
# Implementation of
def next32(seed):
newseed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66D + 0xB) & (2**48-1)
return newseed, getSigned((newseed >> 16), 32)
# Implementation of java.util.Random.nextLong()
def nextLong(seed):
seed, a = next32(seed)
seed, b = next32(seed)
return seed, getSigned(((a<<32)+b), 64)
# Contrary to getSigned(), expects 64 bit as input
# Returns the correct bit representation of the value but as positive integer
def signedLongToInt(long):
x = ''
if long < 0:
x = bin((abs(long)^(2**64-1))+1)[2:]
x = bin(long)[2:]
return int(x,2)
# Since one long token consists of two generate 32 bit tokens
# and since the first token consists of the first 32 bit of the
# seed for the second token - we can brute force the remaining 16
# bits to find the seed that was used to create the second token.
# Once we have the seed, we can create every following number.
def crackSeed(long):
longbin = bin(signedLongToInt(long))[2:] # get the correct binary representation of a long
longbin = '0'*(64-len(longbin))+longbin # pad seed to 64 bit
lower = longbin[32:] # take lower 32 bit
# Usually brute forcing the 16 LSBs of the 48 bit seed should be good enough
# But in some special cases, we might need to brute force a few more bits
for bits in range(16,20): # amount of bits to brute force
print(f'{}[>]{fc.end} Brute forcing {}{bits}{fc.end} bits...')
upper = longbin[0:48-bits] # the *known* bits of the seed (start at 32)
for i in range(2**bits): # iterate over all unknown bits
bini = bin(i)[2:]
bini = '0'*(bits-len(bini))+bini # pad unknown bits to correct length
print(f'\tSeed: {fc.cyan}{upper}{}{bini}{fc.end}', end='\r')
genseed = upper+bini # create the 48 bit seed
ns, nb = next32(int(genseed,2)) # call nextInt() with the seed
if nb == getSigned(int(lower,2),32): # compare with the known result (lower)
# The found seed is the one being used internally
print(f"{}[>] Found the used seed: {int(genseed,2)}{fc.end}")
# If you want to start a PRNG with this seed manually (e.g. Java REPL)
# you'll have to use the reversed seed.
seed = reverseSeed(int(genseed,2)) # reverse the seed
print(f"{}[>]{fc.end} The reversed seed is: {}{seed}{fc.end}")
return ns # return the next seed
print(f'\n\t{}Couldn\'t find the seed.{fc.end}')
token = -504229198866833519
png_sig = bytes.fromhex("89504E470D0A1A0A")
png = png_sig
png_sig = bytes_to_long(png_sig)
f = open("out.txt","r").read()
exec(f"out = {f}")
seed = crackSeed(png_sig^out[0])
ns = seed
for i in range(1,len(out)):
ns, long = nextLong(ns)
png += long_to_bytes((out[i]^long)&0xffffffffffffffff).rjust(8,b'\x00')
g = open("flag.png","wb")
Flag : flag{the_season_of_lies}
Order (46 solves)
Python's hash function is not cryptographically secure. I thought I was cool and tried writing my own hash function that was somewhat similar. Sadly, I forgot to store my flag and all I have left is this challenge and the fact that it's output is 1. Can you help me recover the flag?
From euler's theorem we know that a^phi = 1 mod n. By using this knowledge we can get phi value from modulus then bruteforcing all possibilities through its divisor then reverse the encryption process. Here is solver i used during competition
from Crypto.Util.number import *
# reverse encryption process
# t = k*(phi - 1)
# (flag^-1 * a) mod p = t
# flag^-1 = t * a^-1
# flag = ((flag ^-1)^-1)
sus = 11424424906182351530856980674107667758506424583604060548655709094382747184198
a = 19733537947376700017757804691557528800304268370434291400619888989843205833854285488738413657523737062550107458
p = 48743250780330593211374612602058842282787459461925115700941964201240170956193881047849685630951233309564529903
a_inv = pow(a, -1, p)
phi = euler_phi(p)
for i in divisors(phi):
if pow(sus, i, p) == 1:
for t in range(i-1, p, i):
tmp = a_inv * t
tmp = pow(tmp, -1, p)
flag = long_to_bytes(tmp)
if b"flag{" in flag: