They say you shouldn't roll your own encryption code, but I think all those naysayers are just gatekeeping!
Given source code below
import random
# File to encrypt
file_name = input("Please input the filename: ")
# Choose whether to encrypt or decrypt the file
choice = input("Enter 'encrypt' or 'decrypt' to preform the respective operation on the selected file: ")
# Open the file
f = open(file_name, mode="rb")
# Read the file
data =
if choice == "encrypt":
# Generate random numbers for the LCG
seed = random.randint(1, 256)
a = random.randint(1, 256)
c = random.randint(1, 256)
modulus = random.randint(1, 256)
print(f"Seed: {seed}")
print(f"A: {a}")
print(f"C: {c}")
print(f"Modulus: {modulus}")
# Pad the file out with some filler bytes to obscure it's size
arr = bytearray(data)
arr += bytearray([0x41] * 1000)
save = bytearray()
# Encrypt the files contents with the LCG
for i in arr:
seed = (a * seed + c) % modulus
save.append(i ^ seed)
# Write the encrypted file back to the disk
with open(f"{file_name}.enc", "wb") as binary_file:
elif choice == "decrypt":
seed = int(input("Seed: "))
a = int(input("A: "))
c = int(input("C: "))
modulus = int(input("Modulus: "))
# Remove the padding bytes
arr = bytearray(data[:len(data)-1000])
save = bytearray()
# Decrypt the files contents with the LCG
for i in arr:
seed = (a * seed + c) % modulus
save.append(i ^ seed)
# Write the encrypted file back to the disk
with open(f"{file_name}.dec", "wb") as binary_file:
Plaintext padded with 1000 bytes 0x41
Seed, a, c, and modulus used in LCG generated with random integer 1-256
We can leak 1000 bytes last seed by xor last 1000 bytes ciphertext with 0x41. Because a, c, and modulus only 1 byte (1-256) it is possible to do bruteforce (total 3 bytes). After getting valid a,c, and modulus value just reverse the flow to get previous seed.
Here is my solver
from itertools import product
f = open("flag.txt.enc", "rb").read()
known_ct = f[-1000:]
key = []
for i in range(len(known_ct)):
key.append(known_ct[i] ^ 0x41)
flag_ct = f[:-1000]
seed = key[0]
arr = [i for i in range(1,0x101)]
for i in product(arr, repeat=3):
tmp_seed = seed
a = i[0]
c = i[1]
modulus = i[2]
found = True
for j in range(100):
tmp_seed = (a * tmp_seed + c) % modulus
except Exception as e:
found = False
if(tmp_seed != key[1 + j]):
found = False
if found:
last_seed = key[0]
inverse_a = pow(a, -1, modulus)
flag = b""
for i in range(len(flag_ct)-1, -1, -1):
last_seed = ((last_seed - c) * inverse_a) % modulus
flag += bytes([last_seed ^ flag_ct[i]])
Flag: swampCTF{d0nt_l3ak_ur_k3ystr3am5}
Copper Crypto (328 pts)
I've been learning the new pycryptodome library! I don't know much yet though. Here's my first code to encrypt some text:
Given source code below
from Crypto.Util.number import *
with open('flag.txt', 'rb') as fin:
flag =
pad = lambda x: x + b'\x00' * (500 - len(x))
m = bytes_to_long(pad(flag))
p = getStrongPrime(512)
q = getStrongPrime(512)
n = p * q
e = 3
c = pow(m,e,n)
with open('out.txt', 'w') as fout:
fout.write(f'n = {n}\n')
fout.write(f'e = {e}\n')
fout.write(f'c = {c}\n')
Flag are padded, so pad(m)^e > n
null byte padding same as multiplication with 256^i with i = padding length
e is 3, if m^e < n , so we can get m by doing nth root
So the idea is finding m^e by removing the padding. Because the padded m is m*256^i we can remove the padding by doing multiplication inverse with 256^-i. After that just do nthroot.
Here is my solver
import gmpy2
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Util.number import *
def solve(ct, e, n, padding_len):
new_ct = ct * pow(inverse(256, n) ** padding_len, e, n)
new_ct %= n
potential_pt, is_cube = gmpy2.iroot(new_ct, e)
if is_cube:
print(i, long_to_bytes(potential_pt))
n = 119604938096697044316047691964929805828918626075093639662825464535827900362132954794317391864822750976662931603966282850021396173045319251883406363073183189808699680701857953334587328906486229075428157995555693476599232724728486400143213284483622313607354815609215059406863340823255111036033446109329593686949
e = 3
c = 91149569482452486003218449809382430813144791805261257903556643652008332135606236690176360090659938752235745771493858775509562950906764411011689366104109528195425590415243479424000644174707030408431768079041029193109110970032733391052611637831168097556118005523386390422929265528589660737843901941464809893959
for i in range(500):
solve(c, e, n, i)