Machine Learning Model (XGBoost) Reverse Engineering
Study Case IDSECCONF CTF 2023 - PakBoost Challenge
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I participated with team F7 Spammer on IDSECCONF CTF 2023 and we got 2nd place. During the competition i discussed with my team consisted of lunashci and vidner while solving this challenge. I write this article because the process was very interesting while solving this challenge.
Since a single tree is not strong enough, XGBoost use ensemble model which combine more than single tree to do prediction like image below
In this challenge we are given a json file that contains dump of XGBoost model. You can download the model here. To load the model we can use code below.
import xgboost as xgbmodel = xgb.XGBClassifier()model.load_model('')
To use model for predicting something we need to know the size of input first. Looking at then search about learner_model_param we will see num_feature which indicates our size of input.
Next we just need to create dummy input with valid size using numpy.
import xgboost as xgbimport numpy as npmodel = xgb.XGBClassifier()model.load_model('')x0 = np.array([[i for i inrange(13)]],dtype=np.int8)print(model.predict(x0))
Code above result [0], Since estimator_type is classifier so basically the result represent the value of each class. 0 is wrong and 1 is correct. Our objective is to make the model produce 1 which indicate as valid credential in this case. First, we need to know how to dump each tree available on the model. Through googling we found the way to dump the model including the tree and leafvalues. Basicallyl leaf values used to determine the predicition (like previous image)
import xgboost as xgbimport numpy as npmodel = xgb.XGBClassifier()model.load_model('')booster = model.get_booster()model_json_path ='model_xgb.json'booster.dump_model(model_json_path, dump_format='json')
To validate the JSON result we can also compare the values with tree visualization using code below.
import xgboost as xgbimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltmodel = xgb.XGBClassifier()model.load_model('')fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))xgb.plot_tree(model, num_trees=11, ax=ax)
Since we've dump all the trees. Now we need to automatically parsing the data and find the highest possible values of leaf for each tree. To do this i implement recursivefunction to find the highest possible leaf and trace store the path to go to the highest leaf. To trace the correct path i utilize several values in table below
Index of compared input/feature
Value compared with input
nodeid if split_condition true
nodeid if split_condition false
id of each node
From those values we can reconstruct the path to the highest values. Here is the implemented function for that algorithm
We try to use SMT solver like z3 to find the correct values but it can't since many values are intersect. So next step is grouping the constraint with same index then analyze it manually to find possible input.
import jsonimport xgboost as xgbmodel = xgb.XGBClassifier()model.load_model('')booster = model.get_booster()model_json_path ='model_xgb.json'booster.dump_model(model_json_path, dump_format='json')data = json.loads(open("model_xgb.json", "rb").read())deftrace_rec(arr,node,result_arr):if('children'notin node):if(node['leaf']>0): arr.append([node['leaf'], node['nodeid']]) result_arr.append(arr)else:for i in node['children']: tmp = arr[:] tmp.append([node['split'], node['split_condition'], node['yes'], node['no'], node['nodeid']])trace_rec(tmp, i, result_arr)new_arr = []for i inrange(11,100): init_length =len(new_arr) tmp_arr = new_arr[:]trace_rec([], data[i], new_arr) tmp_length =len(new_arr)- init_lengthif(tmp_length >1): highest =-1 index_highest =0for j inrange(len(new_arr)-1, len(new_arr)-1-tmp_length, -1):if(new_arr[j][-1][0] > highest): highest = new_arr[j][-1][0] index_highest = j tmp_arr.append(new_arr[index_highest]) new_arr = tmp_arr[:]res =""dict={}for i inrange(13): dict[i]= []for i in new_arr: const =""for j inrange(len(i)-1, 0, -1): nodeid = i[j][-1] index = i[j-1].index(nodeid)if(index ==2): dict[int(i[j-1][0][1:])].append(f"< {i[j-1][1]}")else: dict[int(i[j-1][0][1:])].append(f">= {i[j-1][1]}") const +="\n" res += constfor i indict:for j in dict[i]:print(f"a1[{i}] {j}")print()
Now we know possible values for each index, so we just need to bruteforce it since the possibility is not too much. Below is the final script to find valid input
import xgboost as xgbimport numpy as npfrom itertools import productmodel = xgb.XGBClassifier()model.load_model('')poss = [[66], [79], [72], [i for i inrange(48, 52)], [i for i inrange(48, 52)], [50], [50], [i for i inrange(51, 55)], [i for i inrange(48, 51)], [51], [51], [i for i inrange(48, 55)], [55]]for i inproduct(*poss): x0 = np.array([list(i)],dtype=np.int8) y = model.predict(x0).tolist()if(y[0]==1):print(f"Found: {''.join(map(chr, i))}")